Monday 10 August 2015

What is Emergency Lighting Regulation and what is the Use?

Emergency Lighting Regulations imply lighting for emergency situations when the normal illumination fails and the main power supply gets cut due to some reasons. It is the fire which can cause the loss of the main electricity supply. This situation can cause sudden darkness and also may harm the occupants. Emergency lighting functions automatically since it gets lighted up in the emergency situation. It can act as the real savoir since it provides enough illumination, allowing the employees to evacuate the place. Emergency lighting is nowadays installed in all the newly constructed buildings. As per the building regulation, the design and the type of lighting are prescribed. So, emergency lighting is that lighting which automatically comes on when the normal power supply fails.

Emergency lighting is divided into three categories, namely, emergency escape, standby lighting and escape route. The emergency escape provides enough illumination so that individuals can leave the place.  Standby lighting is that type of lighting where the normal activities continue as usual. It is not necessary to have the standby lighting. Escape route lighting is most useful under situations of emergency. It offers the route to escape under dangerous situations. To collect more information on the same, you can log onto the website