Monday 7 March 2016

Tomorrow will be rewarded for working SAFELY today

Cause for Commercial Fire

It has become common these days that most of commercial building catches fire. It is helpful for those who work and own a commercial building to know the reason for fire. Commercial fire is caused by overloaded electrical system or the design of building violating the common electrical codes. Workers preparing food in commercial building that is not designated for cooking. Improper maintenance in the equipment's used in commercial building.  Proper safety measure is not taken when storing combustible materials.

People are in mind set the fire won’t happen to them, so they are not involved in safety measure. It is good to install Commercial Fire Protection system in your building and follow the below tips when you are involved in commercial building. 

Tips To Prevent Commercial Building From Fire

•    Storage: Keep an eye of places where combustible item are kept.
•    Smoke-free building: No Smoking! We cannot restrict people from smoking; however we have rights to intimate them not to smoke in our building. It will be good to have smoking area in your plan to redirect people from smoking inside our premises.
•    Sprinklers: Always keep a working sprinklers system in places where combustible item are kept.
•    Fire Alarm System: Install fire alarm, smoke and fire alarm system. Ensure these are in working condition.
•    Electrical and Heating Malfunctions: Ensure proper electric system is installed; avoid fire due to malfunctioning of electricity.

Latest technology offers fire alarm system and detector to prevent and protect from commercial fire protection. 

For more Details Visit at: Fire Protection Manchester .

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